A reminder to all: Vaginas are self cleaning. Your vagina is perfect the way it is. And yes, you still have to pee after sex.
OB/GYN thoughts in Well+Good
Well + Good got the low down on the safety of Dripsticks for your down low. Dr. Felice Gersh, OB/GYN, MD, and author of PCOS SOS: A Gynecologist’s Lifeline To Naturally Restore Your Rhythms, Hormones and Happiness, gave her input.
“At first glance, the general product may sound bananas, but it’s really not. Vagina-havers have been coming up with innovative ways to get ejaculate out of their vaginas after intercourse forever.”
According to Dr. Gersh, Dripstick is a safer way to remove ejaculate from the vaginal canal than these other innovative approaches. (Read: do NOT use a turkey baster in your vagina.)
Read the full article and OB/GYN’s opinions here.
Side note: we will happily be referred to as “bananas” any day of the week.
Dr. Suny Caminero
TikTok Thoughts from, Dr. Suny Caminero!
In the Ladies' Room with Dr. Donnica Moore
Dr. Donnica Moore and Frances sit down to chat dripstick on her podcast, In the Ladies' Room.
Want to tune into our chat with Dr. Yen?
We sat down with Dr. Sophia Yen from Pandia Health to chat all things birth control, periods, sexy time, post-sex clean up, and why your OB/GYN might sniff your discharge?! You can check out the live on Instagram here!
Looking for more?
Want to ask your personal OB/GYN about dripstick? Contact us - we're happy to send them a sample so you can get feedback from someone you know and trust (in real life!)!
Are you a medical professional looking for samples? Please fill out this form!